Purple is one of the most popular wedding color of all times. Pair it with anything and you have an endlessly chic look. Today, here are some oh so fabulous purple and gold wedding ideas. (more…)
Tag: light plum
Weddings by Color | Shades of Plum + Gold

Happy mid-week lovelies! I hope all is very well with you. Lately, I’ve really been attracted to shades of pretty plum and lavender. It’s such an intense color and it really goes well with antique gold. (more…)
Weddings by Color ¦ Shades of Purple + Pink
I don’t know about you, but I’ve always been pretty inspired about romance. Looking for a romantic color palette for your upcoming wedding? Why not try mixing shades of purple with shades of pink? I love seeing them paired together. It’s elegant, beautiful and absolutely unique.

I’m absolutely swept away by these gorgeous images. I love the idea of pairing lovely lavender bridesmaid dresses with soft pink bouquets. I also love this fun and unique take on groomsmen attire! It just goes to show that guys can pull off what most people would consider ”girly” colors. So what do you think? Would you consider using a romantic palette like this?